“Janaki” is a lovingly handcrafted toy inspired by the grace and strength of Sita, also known as Janaki, the beloved daughter of King Janaka. Adorned in traditional attire, this toy captures the essence of her devotion, wisdom, and courage, making it a perfect companion for storytelling and cultural appreciation. Crafted with care, “Janaki” symbolizes the timeless virtues of patience, resilience, and love, reflecting the rich heritage of ancient India. This toy is more than just a plaything; it’s a tribute to the enduring legacy of Sita, a role model for all generations.
Personalized : No
Product Details : 20x13x6cms
Weight : 55gms
Categories All Products, Diwali, Gifts, Indian Gods, Toys
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“Janaki” is a lovingly handcrafted toy inspired by the grace and strength of Sita, also known as Janaki, the beloved daughter of King Janaka. Adorned in traditional attire, this toy captures the essence of her devotion, wisdom, and courage, making it a perfect companion for storytelling and cultural appreciation. Crafted with care, “Janaki” symbolizes the timeless virtues of patience, resilience, and love, reflecting the rich heritage of ancient India. This toy is more than just a plaything; it’s a tribute to the enduring legacy of Sita, a role model for all generations.
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